WID: Vedauwoo & Despicable Me

My first post on the real blog! Exciting. I’m actually working on my website right now, so hopefully that will be up soon (measured in months). 01| Climbed the highest peak in Vedauwoo today! It’s a beautiful rock formation near Laramie. This picture doesn’t do it justice and it make it makes it smaller than…

Adventure is out there!

I spent my Wednesday doing way cooler things that my Tuesday with Morrie. A math sandwich of excitement: 01| Math class. 02| Balinese music in the plaza performed by the Wyoming Gamelan Chandra Wyoga. 03| Road trip to a go swimming. Isn’t Wyoming’s vastness beautiful? 04| Swimming in an ice cold lake! Honestly, the water…

Old Spice Commercials

NotCot.org tweeted these Old Spice commercials which are surprisingly funny. Thought I would share really quick since I’m too impatient to collect neat things to show you at once. So good. Click here to see the commercials from NOTCOT. (You have to scroll a bit) Or here, to see all of them from OldSpice.com

Mmm..soy beans

This is one of  my favorite drinks (if not most favorite) and I recently discovered it in these cute little boxes at Safeway! $.99 of deliciousness. (It was by the deli in the little refrigerator islands). Every time I went with my mom to the Asian store, I would get one of these. It came…


I think I may have made a grievous mistake in this whole wordpress.com vs. wordpress.org business.  Curse my lack of wordpress-knowledge! I may be changing the link to this blog. Stay tuned, tiny audience, for more details.

Neat things: 2 & 2

01| If you haven’t already seen it, double rainbow guy. NotCot tweeted this link first, and I only clicked on it because I had seen a double rainbow the day before. 02| This is way cute. I thought this was neat because of the This American Life (I think?) recently did a story about a…

5: Things I believe

01| Deadlines. Not that I’m unmotivated, but deadlines are just so comforting me. I will be done with x by m/d/y. I mean yes, they’re also nerve-wracking and horrible when you’re a procrastinator like me. But is there anything that makes you happier than a deadline getting pushed back? I would be lost without deadlines.…