Sarah & Katie wanted to meet us in Fort Collins for dinner on Thursday as a special goodbye before Sarah left. They drove down, and Carissa and I drove up. It was a perfect way to hang out together in a small group. 01 | We ate at Rasta Pasta a Jamaican influenced Italian restaurant…
And then there was four
[We all gathered around Sarah’s computer last night as I taught the lovely ladies how to blog. Not pictured: Bob] Ok, I was in Laramie all weekend saying goodbye to Sarah (second one from the left) since today she is on a plane to France to study for a year. Did I mention all of…
5: Things that my friends would know about me
Not Friday, I know. But I’m in Laramie right now saying some goodbyes to people. Such is life. œ01 | Breakfast is my absolute favorite meal. It has to be warm and hearty and taste like butter. A cold bowl of cereal for breakfast just doesn’t feel right. Breakfast food tastes like being…
Take me out to the ball game
The LoDo District was sponsoring an event called “Beers, Brats, & Baseball” yesterday and so it was that Jacklynn Watches Baseball for the First Time. It was a lot of fun! Beforehand we had catering at The Tavern on their patio, it was really neat. I had a feeling that the Rockies, despite what I…
In case you didn’t know
The English major is kind of a big deal. [source] I’ve seen this link get passed around among my facebook friends and thought everyone should know.
Look what I found!
Nerd City: Population, 20. I wish someone would have told me that they were going to film us, I would have tried to look more outstanding instead of frightened.
Banh Mi inside ME
Ordered a Banh Mi from Manna From Heaven at the Civic Center Eats event downtown. I think my mom makes them better, but maybe it’s just because I grow up with them. Carissa came too, of course. And then afterwards we had homemade ice cream sandwiches (lemon pistachio) from Cream City Treats. Hedonism.
5: Things about Denver
Good morning, my little star shines! Carissa and I are getting ready to head up to Laramie for a brunch with some of the Laramie Crew Original. Carissa made a delicious leek & goat cheese quiche, Pam is making pancakes (Pamcakes) some french toast/bread pudding thing (so good!), and the rest of us are kind…
What am I doing here?
In case I forget what a burden I am on the kindness of the my hosts, I’ll think of this picture. 🙂 It’s starting to sink in that this is for realz, especially after my first day as an intern—which was fun and is in a very beautiful building right next to the Union Station.…
Liberty Vintage Motorcycles video
You might not be into motorcycles, but still something about this video appeals to me. I think it’s a combination of my love of vintage things and some of the books I’ve been talking about or reading lately (Tom Wolfe, Hunter S. Thompson, and, yes, even David Sedaris).