Oxford Comma

If there is ever a comma that I feel confidently about, it’s the Oxford comma. Although some style books say that it’s not necessary, I think it makes perfect sense. The Oxford comma (also called the serial comma) is the comma used before a coordinating conjunction in a series: The flavors were chocolate, strawberry, and…

5: PM

Ack, haven’t I been the worst lately at Friday 5’s? Sorry. But for good reason! Yesterday at 5pm I turned in my last final. My paper for Senior Seminar. I have to say that it was a pretty good paper, but intense. I had Carissa posted at her car at 4:45pm while I finished editing.…

Design Final: Brew Hive

Some of you might be  wondering what kind of project could possibly take a human being 42 hours during one weekend (not including the other several hours we worked on it before this weekend) to make. Well, I ask myself that very same question. Our final project was to make a design pieces for a…

Finals Week

Horrible. And yet, similar to almost every week in this semester except that I still have food left over from thanksgiving and so don’t have to cook (dumplings for breakfast!).  Just letting you know I’m somehow still alive. Don’t feel obligated to read my schedule, its so I can remember how much I hate this…