Five things I recommend to do when you’re so overwhelmed you don’t know where to start. 01 | Watch a movie. This week I watched Lucky Number Slevin and The Darjeeling Limited. I really like them both. I don’t usually watch a lot of movies and no TV, but I’m in a mood right now.…
Stories to tell, stories to live
Almost didn’t make it, did I? But huzzah! A movie! Last Saturday I went up to see Mr. Ira Glass, as you all know. He was simply lovely. I can’t imagine being excited about an actor/actress or band, but I was completely in awe of Ira. That’s me. His lecture, like this video, talked about…
5: Things to which I’m looking forward
Ok, still dislike Sprint, but overall, I’m a pretty optimistic person. Here are five things I’m looking forward to: 01 | Seeing Ira Glass speak at the University of Wyoming on Saturday (aka “tomorrow”). Wildy, madly excited about this. It also reminds me that I have to catch up on all my This American Life‘s…
I hate Sprint
Sprint keeps saying there is nothing they can do to help me. I’m 100% positive that is a lie. Companies say that like it’s a fact. I can’t stand it. My most recent problem has been over my lousy smart phone. I upgraded my plan to get a smart phone at the end of September.…
Monday regular
Hey faithful followers (double-ha), unfortunately I’ve just been both busy and mopey so I haven’t had time or energy to lurk on the internet and come up with a Friday 5 or a movie! I’m the worst. Even now, I feel pretty brain dead. Ok, here are some things to munch on (literally or otherwise):…
Lighter than hair…
I got my haircut yesterday at Babooshka‘s by a stylist named Frankie. Thoughts? I’m ridiculous. You can’t really tell from these pictures, but it’s actually asymmetrical. Weird right? I like it.
It’s not cheating if it’s delicious
Think about this: You get home after a long day of work, starving because you also half-heartedly packed your own lunch… organic, roasted red pepper tomato soup + grilled, swiss cheese sandwich on multi-gain bread Can ya dig it? Simple, but delicious. Not that I’m a real tomato soup connoisseur, but I can vouch for…
The Wrong Trousers
Not Halloween oriented because you’ve had enough of that. Probably my favorite cover of “Video Killed the Radio Star” This one’s ok too:
READING>> Catch-22 / Joseph Heller The Electric Koolaid Acid Test / Tom Wolfe Dune / Kevin J. Anderson LISTENING>> Pale Blue Eyes / The Velvet Underground Rumor Has It / Adele Femme Fatale / The Velvet Underground WORDS>> Canoodle (also, “canoodling”) COMPULSIONS>> Getting my hair cut short Buying a lot of winter garb for snowboarding…
How many posts about this are you going to see? Probably a ton. Here’s the costume I made at the last moment, but who am I kidding: I really liked it. I already had my obnoxious gingham dress and so, inspired my costume last year, I made my own riding hood Saturday morning. And thanks,…