30 Facts About Me

This was a trending topic on Twitter on Monday and I wanted to do it but I thought doing over Twitter was a little obnoxious. I don’t even know thirty things about myself. Here I go now! 01. I hate driving. (two car accidents, both left turns) 02. Although I’ve been avoiding them for a…

5: Inside jokes

Periodically I think about what I could post that would be the most appealing the most people. This is not one of those occasions. It’s often very strange or random what mundane jokes/comments/actions I will really enjoy deep down in my soul. Luckily, my friends can make those comments. Even if they themselves don’t they…

Off and running….

I’m really liking this 2012 thing. Ever since I got back to from Laramie I have been off and running into the New Year, whether self-motivated or otherwise. Here I go, talking about and trying to write about it more interestingly: 01. I am just beginning work on a new project with my boss that…

Hello, 2012

So how are you? Did you survive the New Year’s alright? I know I certainly had a great time. Before I start off, a couple of things: 01. Shucks, I missed the Friday 5 yesterday, but I didn’t have internet. So I don’t feel too bad. 02. I’m going to really try to take some…