The post I told you I would write, whether you like it or not…. Alright, it’s official, I have dropped my terrible Sprint plan and have paid my first bill for Verizon. Smart phone users, I just don’t think Sprint is worth one lick if you actually want to use internet or even receive text…
5: Things I’m wildly excited for
I have been forced, against my will, to be a catalyst of doing things in Denver by the overwhelming lackadaisy culture here. So I couldn’t find someone to go the Uke Fest with me (what a bummer!) but here are five things I’m so excited for coming down the pipeline. 01. I’m going to help…
Mod logo (literally)
My latest project. Not that they’re particularly complicated designs, but I created all the letters myself. #TryingToTry Alternate versions: I don’t typically use gradients, but I’m all about trying stuff. What do you think? Have a favorite?
Forgetfulness by Billy Collins
I never know what will make me like a poem, but I like this one. I saw his talk on TED.
I have enough to do, so can I read now?
Another good week with lots to do. Feeeeeels good. I think Friday was the only day I didn’t have anything I had to do after work. So I bought a fancy fan. Monday was my second time volunteering at the library. Still filled with excitement at being there. Still wanted to do more. I offered…
5: Projects for fun
01 | Re-do my branding/website 02 | Website project for a caterer 03 | Visual vocabular project 04 | Inforgraphic 05 | website for my goldfish
Spring cleaning. It’s cuter than you thought
I thought that you might need something a little lighter after all those mentally taxing design videos. I had a good weekend. I ate some dim sum and thrifted with Kyle. On Sunday I enjoyed brunch and The Ring of Fire at the Denver Performing Arts Center with Faith. Mmm. How was your weekend? I…
no. 7: PBS OffBook
This one just snuck in around lunch time: I’m feeling a little mentally exhausted. There are too many things that I find inspiration in and it’s getting a bit time consuming. I might to have to start being inspiring. PBS Offbooks YouTube Channel. UPDATE: I really think there’s something to this gif thing adding a…
5: Websites I want to osmosis
I may not know what I want to do and where I’ll be in the future. But I do know what I really like. I want to somehow absorb all the information and sights on these websites because it’s disheartening to me to know that I’m missing out on valuable inspiration. #FirstWorldProblems. 01. TED Talks.…
Spaghetti with roasted Tomatoes and herbs
A simple dish, but I think some people forget the awesome power of a few cherry tomatoes. (There are herbs in there, I swear!) Spaghetti with roasted Tomatoes and herbs (via RealSimple) 12 ounces spaghetti (3?4 box) 2 pounds cherry tomatoes (about 6 cups) 6 cloves garlic, smashed 3 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for…