I have enough to do, so can I read now?

Another good week with lots to do. Feeeeeels good. I think Friday was the only day I didn’t have anything I had to do after work. So I bought a fancy fan.

Monday was my second time volunteering at the library. Still filled with excitement at being there. Still wanted to do more. I offered to help teach the HTML/CSS and WordPress classes, so there goes the rest of my Mondays for the a while. I think it will be  a lot of fun and I hope it will make me less shy and/or socially awkward.

Another part of my week I’ve liked was talking with Kelly. We’re been attributing our compatibility to both being geminis, but I’m going to have to say it’s that she’s a really cool person and is easy to talk to. We talked over wine on Wednesday and I convinced her to go to a bar with me last night for some sort of noise concert. We ended up staying on the porch the whole time talking about literature. She likes the Romantic period and I’m into Victorian, but somehow we’ll find some common ground.

Saturday morning I also went to my second ukulele group meeting and it was extremely crowded since uke fest is next month. I was soooo close to volunteering to do a solo, but no one saw me when I raised my hand. Probably for the best. Had another delicious lunch at City O City with Sean. It’s still his favorite coffee shop. Then we spent all day thrifting for his new house he bought (uggghhh, home ownership?!).  That’s where I took a picture of the nocorns/horses above. I feel like I go thrifting a lot, but I’m ok with it. Sean snagged this reversable vest from Regal Vintage:

We rounded off the day with more beverages at St. Mark’s Coffeehouse before I was ushered off to said concert at the invitation of another friend. Kelly described the venue as being full of Chads. 🙂

Busy week. Matt left for spring break (it took me two hours to drive him to the airport because I had to drive around this horrendous traffic jam). Planning on playing dusk-tennis with Kyle later….

and what am I thinking?

I just want to curl up in bed and read.

Too bad I don’t have a good book right now. I’m going to have to peruse my Kindle for some good reads.

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