What would you do?

My mom has 115 pairs of shoes (that I’ve found). A woman’s dream, right? Except that they are about 75% of them are the same style (loafers with a small heel) and that 98% of them are brown/black/navy blue. She has about 5 pairs of light colored shoes. I’m pretty sure my mom has a…

Happy thoughts

It’s 12:40 am and I am very annoyed right now. I have a Yahoo email address which I use for storage and it has some sort of virus in it that sends some weird link to all my contacts. It’s so frustrating and embarrassing! Having a Yahoo email is inherently embarrassing, but having one that…

Life at homebase

I haven’t come home often while I’ve been at school. My first year I was 5.5 hours away, and for the past two years I’ve been 8 hours away from home. Last year, I had a summer research project with McNair and didn’t get home much, this summer I had two classes. In sum, I’ve…

Fifty Nifty…

…posts! I know that I always make fun of how tiny my audience is. But thank you for those who do come by! (WordPress is amazing because it has site stats that show you how many people look at your blog <3). I think it’s typical during an anniversary posts that I do a giveaway…

A mostly bad day

I found this pair at the Salvation Army today, for about $3 total. I was so excited! The film was the right size for my SX-70… I had heard that it was okay to use expired film, but I they were talking about a few years old. This film expired in 1989. Needless to say…

5: Childhood fears

Five things that I was afraid of when I was little: 01| The Dark. “Where anything can happen/kill you” 02| Accidentally selling my soul to the devil. My sister read me this story of a man who sold his soul to the devil and later deeply regretted it. It wasn’t a particularly religious story, but…