Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs
Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs is amazing. He creates a story and leads you through Jobs’ life in a way that feels so natural at times you forget you’re reading a biography. The story is already incredible, but I think Isaacson’s control of the story was brilliant. I highly recommend it. I know that it’s…
5: Things I’m thankful for
It should have been and obvious topic, but with the mind-numbing stress of being home for holidays it didn’t occur to me until now. So here we go! 01. My friends. No, no—wait! Don’t sigh and close the screen, I really am. I really love the wide array of friends I have from different parts…
Osage mural trailor
Have I shown you this yet? This was a mural put up in the community where the Youth Media Studio is going to be built–and an awesome movie. It came to mind because for the past couple of weeks I’ve been designing the CD cover (and supporting materials) for a fundraising/compilation disk is putting…
Why Jack Does Good?
Welcome to my new blog. It will be much of the same, but a little bit different as well. It will still feature me prattling on about this or that, but it’s also organized into simple categories so that if you never want to hear from me, you could; if you only want to hear…
Launched! Third Principle website
The Forty Story
Someone once told me they didn’t like Pentagram because it’s a giant corporation…but that really doesn’t mean they can’t do beautiful things. Because there are still people working there. Basically, I would work there.
5: Things I want to do every day
01. Read. An article, story, news. (Especially from Communication Arts preferably, since I’m so behind) 02. Draw something 03. Get a little better at coding/Learn something new 04. Pick up my room 05. Move around in a way that makes me healthier. v. What’s the difference?
I think one of the most intimidating things when starting a Wordpress website is setting it up and it seems like no on can explain it in anyway that regular people can understand. As a non-technical, non-professional I somehow managed wade through it, understanding very little even though I asked a lot of questions.
The Lowline project in New York
Have you been to the Highline in New York? Then you know how cool this kickstarter will be. Katie: field trip.