5: Things I’m excited for

I just had the most difficult week of working full-time and freelancing full time after severely over-booking myself. Think 3-4 hours of sleep every night. ‘Twas all a blur But it’s Friday! Time to look on the bright side! 🙂 Grad school. It’s creeping up there. I just bought a backpack. I love office supplies…

5: Things I’m grateful for

Because it never hurts to remind yourself. I am grateful that I was accepted into Carnegie-Mellon’s master’s in design program. When I’m tell people I’m reminded that it’s a real thing. Especially since I’ve even started looking for apartments. It’s been my dream program for years and I‘m really excited about the opportunity. I am…


FEAST FOR THE EYES>> War & Peace. Leo Tolstoy. I tried audio-booking this once before and couldn’t get into it, but this time I really like it. I was totally like: “Natasha! You fool, Anatole is a creep!” Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Harriet Beecher Stowe. I’m glad I’m reading it, but not a favorite. I’ll have to…