My friend Jared posted this on my Facebook. He knows me. In other news, I went to the Highlands Scottish-Irish Festival today, more on that later. (My camera is charging)
I will love you forever,
Sugar Cookies! Don’t get me wrong, I have a wonderful relationship with oatmeal cookies (sans raisins), as you may have noticed by description to the left. Oatmeal cookies are a responsible, family cookie that I knew would always be there for me. Sugar cookies are my guilty mistress. They have no pretense of nutrition in…
5: Things that economists really agree on
In my economic policy class, my professor gave us a list of things that economists, across all political spectrums, actually agree on. Here are the 5 that he considered the most interesting ones and the percent of economists who agree on it. 01|Fiscal policy (e.g. tax cut and/or government expenditure increase) has a significant impact on a less…
4025: Behanced vs. a professional website
For freelancers, he [Glen Sansberry] says, social media is a chance to get your work out there, and there are a number of websites like Behance that are growing very quickly in popularity…Behance allows designers to upload their portfolios where visitors, including recruiters, come to search (and potentially hire) talents. This past July, the site…
Hardest button to button
Me at 4:25 am this morning after finally finishing my button packaging. Oh the life of graphic design. I assure you, I worked really hard on this project from when it was assigned until I finished it last night despite the last minute-ness. I toyed with all sorts of ideas, arranged buttons, made mock-ups, and…
01| Woke up and got ready early to just to be awkward for more hours during the day. Ok, really, I submitted an application to a really neat job that came up in Laramie, and noticed that there were a few typos (sigh) so I wanted to go into the office super early and switch…
Oatmeal pancakes for labor day
I made these this morning and thought you might enjoy them on your labor day off so I’m posting them early. I usually use a this recipe, but last time they didn’t turn out well so I tried one from The Joy of Baking. Mmm! I think you’ll find them even more filling without the…
Marcel the Shell (with shoes on)
Why do I like this so much? I don’t know, but my amazing friend Ben Wenzl posted it on my wall and I think everyone needs to watch this. Maybe I like it because everyone thinks I’m too small. So, besides watching this video, I’ve also been trying to get my portfolio on the Behance…
5: Classes I would love to take
Are you tired of me talking about school yet? 01| A grammar class. I’ve been dying to since I’ve been in high school, but it’s never been offered! The first and last formal training I’ve had in grammar was in third grade and I feel like Mrs. Brown didn’t go very deep. Unless you count…
One for each day of the week
I have a lot of glasses and I feel like I should explain that I didn’t pay a lot for them. I get them from this sketchy website called Zenni Optical which has starting prices at $8 for single vision frames+lens. You have to pay more if want bifocals, if you have very strong prescriptions,…