Easy Enchiladas

Sigh. My bribe didn’t work. Which is a little sad because I don’t particularly think 3 is an extraordinary number to ask for. I must be less popular than even I thought. I’m going to cave and post this super simple enchilada recipe that my mom made up, because I know everyone likes recipe posts!…

5: Things this week

Busy week, but is it ever any other way? 01 | Monday: Evan’s art show. What fun! 02 | Tuesday: Applied for an art school. AHHHH! I can’t believe that was only Tuesday. 03 | Wednesday: Working on a website for my friend’s band, Solid Gold. They need a redesign, right? 04| Thursday: Studied for…

Life is (too) exciting

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just get so excited about the idea of working on new projects that I wish I could do everything. Overcommitment! But I can’t help myself–it all sounds so great and I start imagining what I would do for this and that. Quite frankly it’s a problem because…

Some graphic design

Since I’m not so busy this semester I feel like better all of the time. Like happy, well-rested, more creative, and at ease.  Sure, I’m supposed to be making life changing decisions right now that I’ve been putting off–but that will be for next week. Here’s what I’ve been working on for work and school:…

Chee-Yun performance

UW has a fantastic cultural program and we always bring in amazing performers. Yesterday my friends and I went to see Chee-Yun‘s violin performance. It was phenomenal! At one point one of the strings on her bow even broke from the intensity of her playing and she had to tear it off during a pause.…