Recorded this song, I think it completely explains my life rational: (Embarrassing, right? I’m not video-gentic) Anyway, heading down to Denver today because I received an internship with the LoDo District. Vraiment excité!
5: Reasons it’s harder to be a girl
01 | I’m sure boys never consider a short bout of food poisoning an acceptable solution/supplement to a healthy diet and regular exercise. 02 | Halloween costumes & swimming suits. Really? Really? You want me to to wear this in public? And when I jump into the water thank God for bubbles because…
Neat things: 3D printer
I realized I forgot my Monday Movie this week because so many exciting things have been happening, so I hope this makes up for it. Nerd out!
Night at the cabin
Evan’s family owns a cabin in Lousiville, NE (population: 1,146) that his grandpa built with his bare, grandpa hands. It’s Evan’s favorite place on earth. It’s a sacred place where you are isolated from the real world in order to immerse yourself into some amalgamation of the pastoral and the wild. Last night was a…
5: “The little things”
Like a lot of my recent-graduate friends, I’ve been having a somewhat tumultuous summer. Full of confusion, heart-break, frustration, and general stress. In such occasions as these, it’s best to remember and relish the little things that make you happy. These are mine, I encourage you to think of yours. 01 | Getting…
Neat things: Photography
01 | I really like this website called “Dear Photograph” where people take a picture from the past and align it with the scene from the present. I think they are quite beautiful. Dear Photograph, There’s a reason we had to paint these stairs blue. They just weren’t as colorful without these two. 02 |…
Regular posting again? Win! Ok, so 30 Rock is hands down my favorite comedic TV show. It has all the things that make laugh: the dark, the dry, and the absurd. Even though I could never watch it during school, I watched every single season on my computer this summer. Mmmm, so good! So it…
Home again
I’ve got a ticket to ride
Sorry, still traveling. I made a quick road trip back down to Denver for an interview (!) and spent the night with the too-kind Susan. Alas, we could only stay one night so that I can drive home. I hope to go home either tomorrow or Friday for sure. It’s been an awesome two weeks+!…
Notes from a traveler
Gosh sorry I’ve been absent lately. It’s been kind of whirlwind of activities and shuffling around. Here’s the quick list of the the up-and-up, maybe pictures later if you’re interested. 01 | Norman Rockwell Illustration exhibit at the Aurora History Museum. 02 | Honky Tonk band playing at City Hall in downtown Denver. Lonely man…