How many posts about being new to Denver can you make until you’re not new to Denver? I think this one is probably it. It’s a lot to take in though: Finished school. Started work. Meeting so many new people. New fish. New car. New places. Exciting right? I’ve been putting myself out into the…
I want to go to there
So. Crazy. I have done something everyday for several days in a row now. There was an event at work today as I was leaving, even, but I passed it up. I’m starting to get restless and want to be more independent of others, I think. So let me catch you up (Thank my 5…
Prepare to be humbled
By this video from 2D Photography Rube Goldberg. I have to give find credits to another worker in my building, Nick. This video could have been 1/24th as long and still been super impressive. People with skills. People with time. I certainly had an exciting weekend. I’ll tell you about it soon!
5: Mobile memories
I’m realizing how much my new smart phone is facilitating my already acute obsession with the internet…but hey, more photos for you! 01| Last week I played glow-in-the-dark put-put golf with Kyle (so many hyphens!). I haven’t played for YEARS but I totally killed him. I ended up below par! (51 -2,…
I’m a fan
My beautiful friend Sarah can play the ukulele AND sing. Both things I cannot do well. If this doesn’t make you want to play the ukulele, it’s time to chip away the ice from your cold cold heart. And the first one she and Katie posted when I had to tell them how to use…
5: Things I’m going to change
O-M-G. A Friday 5? On a Friday? About something of substance? I need to blog about this. oh wait… As you might have collected from previous posts, I am all about constantly improving oneself until you are who you want to be. And I’ve been pretty happy with who I am, but since moving to…
I’m not afraid to look like a dork for my friends
because I like ’em so much. The most beautiful of birthdays, Carissa. You’re in a new place having probably some of the most exciting times you will have in your entire life. I hope you enjoy every moment of it—good or bad. I hope you never change and I hope you transform. You are an…
I know exactly how this cat feels. For anyone else who’s having a bad day too.
Pumpkin turkey chili for the cooling weather
Let me repay you for my ongoing disloyalty to the Friday 5 with a recipe. It’s been forever hasn’t it?! And I don’t even have a picture for this one (its not necessarily the most photogenic anyway). Susan and I gobbled it up. Perfect for the drizzly, cool weather today. Pumpkin Turkey Chili {From a…
Keepin’ it relevant
A part of me always thought that once I graduated and was out of school I would have all the time in the world to pursue my hobbies. Books would be read, scarves would be knitted, hats & mittens crocheted, blogs posts would be published….everything could be mine once I came home at 5 o’clock.…