I love this lecture by Chip Kidd. I love his zest. It’s not often that I go to some lecture or forum and not enjoy it a least a little bit. At the very least, I’m content and don’t really regret going even if it’s not the most extraordinarily compelling. Opportunity cost stuff, you know.…
No, I haven’t done my taxes yet
Right now I’m nursing a green-white tea blend bleary-eyed at my computer. I fight off illnesses with mass quantities of tea. It usually works. I think I’d be better right now if I hadn’t gone out today. Does that make it ok that I didn’t post anything on Friday? On Friday I was helping out…
Leonard Maltin & Jane Powell
Jane Powell was a lot sassier than I thought she would be, on all levels. I should have known, though, Matt has told me that the musical theater-ites can live on forever.
Coming to a theater near me…
I’m going to a screening of Seven Brothers for Seven Brides tonight with another volunteer at the library. Excited. Julie Powell is going to be there too, isn’t that crazy? Such a ridiculous movie. Your Monday Movie, brought to you by Tuesday.
FEAST FOR THE EYES>> The Hunger Games> Suzanne Collins > Even though I kept seeing things about it, I didn’t really wanted to read it until I read this article about the racist reactions to the movie that way I could justify my anger at them. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test > Tom Wolfe >Making…
I just had to show you this.
Beautiful. $3 in the library used book store.
Chimneys, ukulele retirment, books, haute couture, and ice cream
I had such a lovely weekend. Sure I missed my usual 12 hours of sleep a day that I’ve been doing on weekends, but it’s for the best…in the long run. Probably one of the first times since moving here that I felt like I had the right amount of things to do. Have I…
Inside Quotes: On Relationships
I’ve realized I’ve been self-reflecting way too much lately. To the point where they’re not even accurate or helpful “insights.” I need to stop putting myself in a box. So something a little light-hearted this week: ME: Why is my life like this? KYLE: I’m afraid I have no answers. Your life is like…
Simple Little Box Girls
Can’t get these songs out of the my head: Disclaimer: If you think I’m not going to post about how much I hate Sprint soon, sorry to disappoint, but it’s happening, yo.
5: Sticky Notes
My New Year’s resolution of reading a little bit every day has fallen a bit on the wayside, not because I’ve stop liking reading, but I’m having a lot of trouble getting into The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. It is well written, but the subject matter bores me. I feel as if the book is…