I just finished the designer’s sweet heart book of the moment: Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer. And if you couldn’t tell by all the sticky notes peeking out in this picture, I liked it quite a bit. Heaven knows I don’t need anything help being even more idealistic. But surprise, I read it…
Insider information
I thought I should let you know, I’m ironing out a new website under a new domain name which may force me to move this blog. Which I suspect will be another headache involving a lot of repairing broken URLs and such. Alas, I hope it’s for the better. I’ve been working away every night…
Give from the heart, support some art
Support @MikePerryStudio‘s kickstarter campaign by this Wednesday and support Wondering and Wandering, a frog-hoppin’ fantastic project.
5: Things I would do all of the time
…if the current rules of time did not exist. 01. Read all of the books that I’ve ever even kind of thought about reading all day long. Then read my Communication Arts magazines, GOOD Magazine articles, and Co.Design articles. Somehow, just all of them. 02. Watch documentary after documentary. Then watch all the movies…
“If So” by Demetri Martin
[Demetri Martin’s “If I” interview, 1 of 6. I encourage you to watch them all, it’s about 30 minutes] This gives me so much hope. I’m reading This is a Book by Demetri Martin right now and I was talking to Dan about this while I was in Laramie this weekend. He’d asked me if…
For Maru the magic never dies
If we were all a little bit more like Maru, we’d all be quite a bit happier.
A place with stories to tell
So guess where I am right now. I’ve escaped the heat of summer in the most wonderful place in Denver. Here, no one will ask me what I did over the weekend and be disappointed when I don’t use the words “party,” “hike” or some other athletic verb. Here there are people just quietly living…
FEAST FOR THE EYES>> On the Road > Jack Keroac > Audio-booked it during my road tripping. I expected to like it more than I did. Disappointing. A Confederacy of Dunces > John Kennedy Toole > I had started it before and it was pretty dense. Audio-booking it now and I love it. The…
5: Books I want to read
Not novels this time, books that I’ve heard that I should read because they’ll like, inspire me, or whatever. 01. Outliers | Malcom Gladwell* 02. Imagine: How Creativity Works | Jonah Lehrer 03. Things I have learned in my life so far | Stefan Sagmeister 04. Batman: Death by Design | Chip Kidd 05.…
Parrots in the tropical trees
A great song for the summer from Breathe Owl Breathe.