The Bauhaus movement in 2 minutes
via Co.Design.
Frances Ha – Official Theatrical Trailer from IFC Films on Vimeo.
“Kern & Bern: Conversation With Design Entrepreneurs” belated reaction
I’m so behind, but I’ll try to write a little something anyway, for my own memory’s sake. (Note, some of this is from my post written for the AIGA/NY blog) So last Thursday, I went to an event called Kern & Bern: Conversation With Design Entrepreneurs hosted by co-authors Tim Hoover and Jessica Heltzel who led a…
Doctor by The Five Discs
Who else heard this on This American Life? I love it.
5: Side projects
I’ve barely worked sleeping into my schedule, let alone blogging, but I thought I should say a little something something before the week passes by. I’ve gone to a couple more design events and they talked about the importance of doing and sharing side projects as authentic evidence of your passion or the way you…
Some pictures from NYC Bordo Bello
I took a ton, but here are a few. Very happy to help out Elysia, current AIGA Colorado president and designer extraordinaire, as she brings Bordo Bello to New York for the first time! The exhibition will be up at the AIGA National Design Center Gallery until July 3rd. Bordo Bello originated as an AIGA Colorado project in 2008 as a…
Another one to add to the list: Laurie Rosenwald
On Saturday I had the tremendous good fortune to help out with a workshop by illustrator Laurie Rosenwald through AIGA. I had seen her work before through little animations she’d made for David Sedaris and then back-tracking to her own personal videos after really enjoying the design style. I remember after seeing this video coveting…
What I know now // 004
A Year in New York from Andrew Clancy on Vimeo.
Speaking of Saul Bass…
I know you were all as happy as I was to see the Google doodle today (May 8th) which celebrates graphic designer Saul Bass. And I know you know about him because I mentioned him before, albiet briefly.