These are four last days of school: third grade, high school, my bachelor’s degree, and my master’s degree one week ago. As Sarah pointed out, forks are in the road and I’m traveling down them.The kind of anti-climactic moment of receiving my diploma in a confusing ceremony was finally grounded when I had to organize all…
What I know now // 025
A Variety of Unprocessed Foods Cut into Uncannily Precise 2.5cm Cubes by Lernert & Sander
Michel Gondry on animating “Why is the Tall Man Happy?”
My classmate shared this interview with animator Michel Gondry with me after I showed part of the final movie (about Noam Chomsky!) for our animation class. I always find the process stories so interesting. And I hope, for my sake as a designer, you do too.
Last month as a grad student (as far as I know). Not much to update this month, just moving things along.
‘The Power of Vulnerability ‘ talk
Last Friday, after the wake of non-stop paper editing, I took a break at went to the final presentations of a Creating in Social Complexity class being taught at CMU by two amazing people. They were thoughtful presentations on discovering, describing and dealing with the complexities of what it means to be human in a…
My membership in ‘The Cult of Work’
This doodle I drew last year during finals week. I have always had a problem with overworking. I said one of my goals was to improve my work-life balance, but I’ve haven’t said much more because I think it sounds like a humblebrag. At CMU, the stress culture is expected and understood. Everyone doesn’t sleep and…
What I’ve been up to
It’s been pretty silent on the blog front last week. I’ve had full days of wrapping up my thesis and trying to keep my head above water. Last week was our last public deliverable of our thesis where we present our work to a panel of three design faculty and then there is a three…
Seeing with your tongue
Someone submitted this to my thesis project and I just thought it was the neatest thing! Since seeing is just a sensation created by the brain, some researchers have found a way to recreate the sensation using stimulus from the tongue! Check it out!
What I know now // 024
Syrian girl mistakes camera for gun in heartbreaking photo. And your heart broke too.
Happy birthday!
…to this blog! That’s right, this old blog has been kicking since 2010 and it’s exactly 5 years old today. I can’t believe it’s already and only been five years. Thank you for being a place to babble, bemoan, and blog. Thank you, dear reader, for reading the good with the typos and the bad…