You either think I’ve done nothing worth talking about or have been so busy that I haven’t written. It’s somewhere in between: by the time I get home to my personal computer with all my photos and such I don’t want to be on a computer at all and I should actually be sleeping. I thought…
It’s been a while and I guess I still live here. It’s three months since the last time I did this, but I’ll try to catch you up! Don’t hold your breath, I have a lot of ground to cover.
‘How to age gracefully’ video
I came across this video and thought it was such a wonderful idea that was well executed. As a projected, I’m delighted thinking about all the fun the crew must have had meeting all the people and all the good stories that didn’t make the final cut. How to Age Gracefully from Andrew Norton on…
Pursue v protect?
“In the West…people believe they must ‘pursue happiness’ as if it were some kind of flighty bird that is always out of reach. In the East, we believe we are born with happiness and one of life’s important tasks, my mother told me, is to protect it” Le Ly Hayslip from When Heaven and Earth Changed…
‘Why principals matter’ – Mott Hall Bridges Academy principal
I don’t know if you remember the viral Humans Of New York post of a little boy who was asked who the most influential person in his life was that was going around, but I was happy to come across this little video about his answer: Ms. Lopez.
5: Jacklynn-style mishaps
I normally feel like an awkward person (in many respects), but I especially feel like my clumsy nature shines through when I move to a new place and am put into new circumstances. I moved to San Francisco, I’m starting a new job, and meeting scads of new people. Surely, the best stage for the…
The youngest master penman
I am in so much awe.
Changing perceptions
…literally. I came across this video post about colorblind man who wears a pair of special glasses from EnChroma that correct colorblindness. It was a lot more endearing than I thought it would be because he’s just so shocked. Can you imagine getting a new spectrum of colors you have never seen before? What an…
5: West coast goals
I guess I should get in the hang of posting on this again. Matt left on Wednesday morning and I’ve not begun this new phase of my life in San Francisco. …I guess. I mean, I guess that’s what is inevitably happening although I don’t feel like I have much control over it. It feels…
Stateside again
I’m sitting in the dining room of my parent’s house in Nebraska. My month-long trip to Asia is over and I’m trying to catch up on sleep and prepare for moving across the other half of the country. But before I shift into a the next mode, a few words, no? Singapore My first stop was…