Solid Gold webpage

They call her Jacklynn “HTML” Pham cuz her codin’ is the bomb. They think her CSS is the bes’ cuz it’s so stylin’ My first  HTML website! This is our second HTML assignment, we had to make a re/design a website for a band or author. I choose my friend’s band from back in Nebraska…

Some graphic design

Since I’m not so busy this semester I feel like better all of the time. Like happy, well-rested, more creative, and at ease.  Sure, I’m supposed to be making life changing decisions right now that I’ve been putting off–but that will be for next week. Here’s what I’ve been working on for work and school:…

The short list

…of things I’ve been up to. 01| Making this quote movie for computer graphics. It’s not brilliant, but it’s our first foray into animation (UPDATE: Now with less spelling errors!): 02 | Re-watched Death Proof after listening to the sound track on our way back from Denver. Awesome sound track and great movie! I love…

ACDC student art exhibition

[I uploaded a picture at work! Hurray!] So apparently I there was something like 400 students who entered and something like 1500 pieces that were submitted so I should be very happy that both of the works I submitted got in, and I am. But that show was horrible and I think everyone who went…

Design Final: Brew Hive

Some of you might be  wondering what kind of project could possibly take a human being 42 hours during one weekend (not including the other several hours we worked on it before this weekend) to make. Well, I ask myself that very same question. Our final project was to make a design pieces for a…