01| My new camera. My dad gave me his old Canon 20D for Christmas. I’m excited to learn how to use it! Hopefully I’ll get my computer fixed soon so that I can actually put pictures on to it…As we all know, I’m not a photographer, but I would love to learn how to take…
I’m in!
Cheers! My work was accepted into the Art Directors Club of Denver’s Annual Student Show! I’m very happy. Even if I don’t win an award—what an honor!
Winter break movies
I usually don’t go to movies because I see a lot for free at UW ($9! Highway robbery), but for some reason, during winter break movie-seeing was all the rage with my friends. Here are the movies I saw. True Grit | This has been my favorite so far. Another Coen brother’s film. It was…
Tea & Cake
Sorry it’s been hectic lately, school starts tomorrow! For our last day of Christmas break my friends and I had tea & cake in honor of The Finer Things Club. Here’s the menu: Lithuanian Napoleonas Torte Yummy unnamed Lithuanian pastry (raspberry filled) Tres Leche Cake Oatmeal cranberry cookies pretzels All served with Earl Grey tea…
Goings On
Deep breath—here we go! Reading: What is the What? By Dave Eggers. Sad book based on a true story of a Lost Boy of Sudan.While the subject material could make for an overly dramatic retelling of war, death, and displacement, Egger’s treats the subject well and it is a very good story that is approachable.…
You know, when I was in high school “gleek” meant spitting. Does it still? Anyway, I used to like Glee, but the plot somehow got even worse so I can barely watch it long enough to enjoy the corny dancing. But I love Artie. I’m thinking about having videos every Monday, what are your thoughts?
5: Resolutions
So long, 2k10! 01| Exercise more. Sounds like a cliche, but it was my resolution during the summer and then things got chaotic. 02| No more typos! (Or at least a lot less). I really, really, really need to become a better editor. 03| Find out what I’m doing for the future… 04| Be kind,…
Get a head start on the next holiday season…
I got this from the GOOD magazine website. Have you ever been? GOOD caters to talking about “good” things, people, and places, which speaks to my world view. You should visit! They discuss everything politics to design to culture to media.
Snowbot says:
5: winter memories
01| My siblings and I being the only little kids in the family so getting ALL of the presents 🙂 02| Making igloos in the backyard with my brother and sister 03| Getting a red sled with a tiny chair and brakes. (also going sledding for the first time was pretty cool!) 04| Not being…