For the graduates…

This song always makes me think of new stages of life. Who will I know, meet, talk to? Where will I be? What will I be doing? What will you be doing? Isn’t it all exciting?! My friend Katie always likes to remind me “A year ago, we didn’t even know each other. Can you…

For real this time

I’m going to change my blog. stay tuned for a bumpy ride. UPDATE: THAT WAS FUN! What do you think? I didn’t want to it to match exactly my website because they are not directly related, but they still go together (you know, because they’re about me). Whew! HTML/CSS editing is fun! It’s like a…

Littleton bike logo

My first project of the summer was the make a logo for the town of Littleton’s new bike share program! It was a really fun project for me to work on and a great cause in general. Here’s the logo they ended up choosing: Here are some of the ones that I really liked: And…

Oh goodness, here we go

Alright, have I been the worst blogger? Yes, and I’m sorry. But graduating, packing, cleaning, and saying good-byes is a bit more time consuming than I would have imagined. Let’s see if I can play a little catch up: 02 | PASSED MY THESIS DEFENSE (and revisions!) and presented my research at UW Undergraduate Research…

Last day of school!

…and yet there’s so much more to do. I’ll admit it, I started tearing up a little at my computer yesterday because I never wanted to write another paper, I just wanted to go to sleep, and I realized how many more things I have to do. But deep breaths, and soon I’ll be nostalgic…