Old chair, new chair

Matt and I were super productive today. It’s when two metal types hang out together. I was on a mission to find an guest chair for my office and a shelf. So first we hit up some thrift stores (actually, a lot of thrift, antique, and vintage stores). We scored these wooden chairs for an…

Stand by me

So today I helped my boss present a speech for a group of elementary students here in Denver about two foundations he is on the board of directors for. It was a lot of fun, the kids were adorable, and it went very smoothly for how last minute it was. One of the foundations is…

You deserve better

That list yesterday was horrible. I’m sorry. As I was filling it out I realized they weren’t remotely interesting random questions. Thanks for nothing, MySpace. I’m going to look at a car today and I’m pretty hopeful. Send good vibes my way.

Best by 1991

Last Sunday I was making homemade pancakes for Susan and myself and I needed some baking powder. Standing on a chair and reaching all the way back into the cabinet above the microwave, I found this can of Calumet baking powder. Calument? I’ve never heard of this brand. I figured it was some weird hyper-organic-supa-fresh…

Two Door Cinema Club

I came across this guy’s (band’s, I’m not even sure) music videos on DesignPorn and think they are just super interesting. This is the most PG one. This also makes it the least weird one, but maybe it’ll pique your interest enough to see he’s other films. TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB | What you know…

Little Mama, you got the time?

Ok, so public transportation. Pretty great, right? Pretty basic?  I’ve used them in Chicago and I’ve conquered the tubes in London (hyperbole), but these Denver ones: they’re a bit tricky. Probably because I find them incredibly slow and limited. Also, cardinal directions are not the most easy thing to just know. Especially at noon. So…