I think expression is important. It’s not secret that how much I value the arts. It’s more than something to look at or read, no matter how superficial something like…a blog post…might seem. It’s time, energy, and introspection. Even if it’s not meaningful to you, the observer, the process of creating it sheds light on…
Charles S. Anderson lecture & Control Master
Last week was another doozy. I barely had my computer for most of it, which is pretty atypical. As you may have seen my metaphorically prancing about on social media outlets, last week I had the good fortune to attend a lecture by Charles S. Anderson through AIGA Colorado. I first heard about him…
Caught a good one
An interlocking-fish eating small metal ball necklace! Isn’t it lovely?! I think I would have even bought it if I wasn’t obsessed with Mustard. Seth was visiting after the departure of my mom and we went thrifting–because, you know, Matt and I are such interesting Denver people. I found a nice dress, a cute pair…
The blanket octopus
The narration of this movie leaves a lot to be desired, but isn’t this cool!? [Source]
Handmade felt finger puppets
My friend’s son’s birthday this Saturday. I wasn’t able to come to the birthday party, but I wanted to do something. I don’t know why, but I thought: “finger puppets.” I think I had seen someone make finger puppets a while back and was subconsciously waiting for the opportunity when a finger puppet would…
Sorry I’ve been AWOL. Been doing some important bizness.
Bookmarker? Try PearlTrees
I’ve never been a bookmarker myself—or not an organized one. It was always a hassle organizing them and syncing them between computers. Someone from the library told me about Pearltrees, a visual way to keep bookmarks across media, and so I’m giving it a try. She described it as something between Delicious and Prezi. You…
Invisible bike helmet
The Invisible Bicycle Helmet | Fredrik Gertten from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo. Bike safely on this labor day.
Closing the gap
This only gets more relevant as time passes. I’m trying to close the gap between what I know I want to do and what I actually produce. I can recognize that the things I design are missing That Special Something to make them remarkable. It will take time, risk, and courage. I am afraid that…