The mysterious re-appearing act
Last week was my craziest in New York yet. My good friend Paul from Denver came to visit, I worked full-time at Nick Jr., and was still freelancing. Basically, my sleep depravation will take a few weeks to recoup but I had a grand time.
What I know now // 002
Class of 2015
So, I have some Studio Jacklynn Pham news. You know how I just moved to New York and how I like it a lot and all that jazz? Well I do. But I also will be moving to Pittsburgh come the fall. I’m going to grad school at Carnegie-Mellon in their Communication Planning and Information…
FEAST FOR THE EYES>> War & Peace. Leo Tolstoy. I tried audio-booking this once before and couldn’t get into it, but this time I really like it. I was totally like: “Natasha! You fool, Anatole is a creep!” Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Harriet Beecher Stowe. I’m glad I’m reading it, but not a favorite. I’ll have to…
What I know now // 001
Recap: Documentaries and Dan visits, wandering ensues
I didn’t want to let another week go by quietly, especially since my good friend Dan came down to visit last week. So lets have a little recap, shall we?
No, No, No, No, No, Yes
“No, No, No, No, No, Yes: Gideon Amichay at TEDxJerusalem“ I found this video because I read this really great interview with Matt Eastwood on which made me to go the DDB website (the agency where he works) where I found this video in a blog post Matt wrote.Which made me think, I wonder if…
5:…Other things about New York
Because last time I did 5 Things I Love About New York, I only thought this was only fair… 5 Things I Less-Than-Love About NYC.