September 2021 reads

September 2021 reads

One time, years ago, I complained to Grant that I didn’t understand why anyone cared so much about sports, especially when they’re not playing it. Grant said something about it being one of the few things that can unite people across different social aspects and get people really excited towards a shared purpose. I spent…

101 things about me

If you asked older people how much they’ve changed since their 20s they’ll say “so much!” and the same. And how much between their 20s and 30s? “So much!” What about the last 10 years? “So much!” How much do you think you’ll change in the next 10 years? “eh, maybe a little. I think…

June 2021 reads

June 2021 reads

June was wild. Most of my friends and family have been vaccinated for at least a month and restrictions have eased up and so we started seeing more folks again. After one and a half years of isolation, any event planning would have been dramatic, but this month was a whopper. Multiple camping trips, I…

May 2021 reads

May 2021 reads

I don’t know if it’s always been the case or it is a natural progression from psychology books, but if you noticed I’ve been reading more self-help books lately, I guess that’s true. I mean, I already read professional development books in general, so I was practically already drinking tea in the living room of…