Performance of Self (is hard)

I have been listening to an audiobook called in The World Beyond Your Head and Chapter 9, The Presentation of Self, has really been sticking with me and I thought I’d share. In the past, there were more trades people and a person would received his identity through his vocation. He was successful and viewed as successful…

The good you do

“We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know” — WH Auden, poet People my age believe they can do good in the world. They seek it out. They hope that they can spend their lives making a difference in the world. Heck, just…

Confidence isn’t for you

One of my ongoing resolutions is to be more confident. This was not really accomplished last year and when New Year’s came around again, I didn’t actually make any promising. I realized that, besides my horrendous typos, I didn’t have bad habits that I was treating to break. Rather, my resolutions were me trying to…

5: Reasons I don’t like ‘rush projects’

I am in a constantly resolving never to take last-minute projects and agreeing to them. They cause me stress and they put me in situations I don’t need to be in. I realized that in some cases I was diminishing my own happiness and worth and after reading this great article about saying ‘no’ promised that…

Who & Why

I’ve been thinking about design a lot lately and what I want to do. This is the first time I have been able to dedicate myself completely to graphic design and that my time hasn’t been split up between communication and design (not that I’m complaining, I enjoy both). I’ve been thinking about the designers…