This the only purposefully vegetarian dish I know how to make, which I got from RealSimple magazine: Vegetarian Tacos With Spinach, Corn, & Goat Cheese. Evan made it first so I knew I liked it, otherwise I am pretty skeptical of vegetarian dishes. It’s yummy! I made it for my vegetarian roommate, Katelynd. She insisted…
music + dogs
OK Go is a band which neither thrills me nor annoys me, but don’t you love their videos? Have you seen this one where they use dogs!? They’ve harnessed the power of cute to make a good video even better. Although the dogs look a little confused. My only qualm, as you might have excepted,…
5: Qualities i admire
Since last Friday’s 5 was such a debate, I thought I would do something short and sweet today. Ps. Looking back at that list, I feel like I disagree with all of them now. It must have been the sleep deprivation talking. 5 qualities I admire in others, mostly in order: 01 | Kindness 02|…
Happiest of birthdays Igor!
Today is Igor’s birthday! New Stats: Intelligence: 8 Speed: 8 Power: 6 Super power: laser-beam eyes In the future, Igor will be a graphic designer. I gave him some Jamaican Blue Mountain whole bean coffee. It’s supposed to be the one of the finest coffees in the world (according to both Evan and the discovery…
What I’ve been working on
Here’s some of the non-class related design I’ve been working on. I don’t know why they look so pixelated. Commissioned by the English department. [My “supervisor” (Dr. Knievel) on this has such a good eye. I wonder if if he’s a designer and he’s never told me. Or maybe I was rushing because I didn’t…
Exactly one week ago…
Ok, I said I would talk about the Scots fest I went to for my Scottish literature class, so here it goes: 01| Beautiful drive to Estes Park down I-287 02| Elk all over the parking lot… 03| Lovely lake across from the festival 04| Cool Scottish band called “Abennach” 05| Our fair lady Carissa,…
So lovely
Rifle Blog posted this and I thought it was amazing: FontCast #12 — Damon Styer from FontShop on Vimeo. If you liked this, you’d love this movie about building painters.
5: Songs that will get stuck in your head
I have a special surprise for today’s Friday 5. I was horribly busy and sleepless this week, but I did my homework early for tomorrow, so I felt like something epic needed to be done for today. So, after a long forum with my friends, we’ve compiled a list of our the five catchiest songs…
4025.2:Artist statement article, Part 2
This is just an addition to my last post and does not need to exist. I didn’t want to write it yesterday because I thought I had already rambled on for a disgusting amount of time. So, why did I bring out artists statements in the first place? I mean, yes, I’m a quasi-artist-student-mutant thing,…
4025: To artist state, or not to artist state
“Most artist statements, 99 out of 100, are not useful, and they’re often ludicrous,” -Philadelphia Inquirer art critic Edward Sozanski For my second post I thought I would find a cute little article about “How to Write an Artist Statement” when I stumbled upon this article from the Huffington Post: “Are artist statements really necessary?”…