Chaz Oritz’s “Go All Day” movie.
READ>> The Great Divorce > C.S. Lewis > meh LISTENING>> Who loves the sun? > The Kinks Cherry Cherry Christmas > Neil Diamond > Come on, it was the holidays! WORDS>> comeuppance COMPULSIONS>> Buying things for my apartment New Year’s resolutions, here I come! COMPUNCTIONS>> Eating yogurt. It always makes me feel bad because…
5: (What else?) New Year’s Resolutions
You know what else I thought would be nice? I think if I worked on my narrative with this blog a little more. I’ve fallen into the habit of kind of exploding thoughts onto the page in sporadic lists, sentences, and exclamation. Everyone would be made the merrier by this simple change. Enjoying fantastic company…
woah woah woah WOAH!
Ok, I have been absent for so long! Holidays, man, holidays. Should I tell you all about it? It’s going to be a hot mess…Not even sure you’d care, but here goes! 01 | Two weeks ago, Jordan, Laurie, and Clay came up to visit for a concert = first guests in my new apartment…
Merry Christmas!
From our home to yours. Shenanigans with my roommate. Sorry for being MIA, will be back soon!
Days before holidays
When I was first moving into my apartment Prairie Home Companion was playing on the radio and this cover came on. I like it a lot. Everyone loves The Beatles, but I thought Nellie McKay’s version really made me listen to the song differently. It made me listen more. Her inflection of frustration was really…
5+ Things from a thrift store
01| Transformers {Brass Armadillo} 02 | Too-cute-for-words interlocking salt & pepper shaker {Brass Armadillo} 03 | Uncomfortable…coat rack? (Matt corrects me saying that it’s probably a gun rack. “Making it even sadder”) {Brass Armadillo} 04 | Mike Tyson painting {Brass Armadillo} 05 | This Kodak Instamatic (purchased) {Brass Armadillo} 6 | Jewelry boxes to replace…
Apartment going-ons (aka, Things Matt Did)
This was the very first meal cooked in our new apartment on December 4th by the immeasurably wonderful Matt. Hamburgers with sauteed onions. Sweet potato fries. And steamed veggies. And when I came home on Tuesday Matt had created this Mega Mac Desk out of two trimmed doors. Tandem desks are in this season. How…
Sometimes this is how I feel when I wake up too
(I’m sorry about the music) Had such a great weekend! Hope you did too. On Saturday I started off the morning with my first foray into yoga with Kyle. It was interesting, I was terrible, and we’ve decided we need to try it one more time in order to solidify our thoughts on it. I…
5: Rooms in my new apartment
01 | My room (do you recognize that quilt?) 02 | Future office/craft room 03 | Living room 04 | Kitchen 05 | Bathroom Looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship to me.