Two things about me: 1. I am a fierce overthinker. (on a resume it’s called being “analytical” but that masks the raw consumptive energy I spend on mulling over thoughts into pulp) 2. I am a nerd. News flash: #1 is a part of being #2. In a desperate attempt to find something to do…
i LOVE these
“Up up up”
by Givers Did you know I like happy music? It’s kind of my thing.
5: Thoughts on yogurt
So, after a lifetime of mild distaste, I’ve began eating yogurt nearly every day for lunch at work for a couple of weeks now. I know you, my most avid blog followers, (snort) instantly recalled that yogurt makes me uncomfortable because I think about the living organisms contained within screaming for mercy as the spoon…
YMS website
Did you want to see the end of this project? Voilà! My first wordpress website for an outside party (not for myself and not for class). (Visit the website here). Excitement. I was so thrilled to work on this project with just a wonderful, wonderful foundation. They were all so kind and sincerely enthusiastic about…
Graphic design equations
This is the only math that makes sense to me. Like them? I’ve been thinking about the amazing graphic design pieces submitted in the recent ADCD Student competition (Go UW!). Don’t stop challenging yourself. Don’t stop making it better. Everything can be wonderful if you make it so.
This will make you like dubstep
Bonus video since I missed my Friday post….and because I absolutely love this video and need as many people to see it as possible stereo skifcha from xgabberx on Vimeo.
It’s time you’ve learned
…your primary colors. It’s not as hard as you think.
Finally rested and recharged
Well, mostly. Are you always terribly disappointed when I miss a Friday 5? Because it usually means I actually did something away from the computer so you should be happy for me! Last week was a week of doing stuff and not one of my usual slugging around. Here are five things I did last…
To my little guy
…with his heart of gold. I cannot imagine having a better goldfish than you, Mustard. You are such a sweetheart. Happy Valentine’s Day to you all as well!