My friend Jackie sent this to me and I thought it was done very well. Warning: it’s pretty sad. Denali from FELT SOUL MEDIA on Vimeo.
5: the differents
Last time I wrote about what about myself I would want to persist throughout my life. This week I’ll have it’s compliment. Here’s where I want to change… More small braveries. Saying something in a meeting, talking to someone new, following my instinct on a project at work, or going the path less trodden. I don’t…
StoryCorps: “The Saint of Dry Creek” video
I saw this animated story and wanted to share it with you. A little late for a Monday Movie, but I meant well 🙂
5: the sames
I was having a conversation with a friend a few weeks ago about what about ourselves we’d like to change and what we’d like to stay the same. We think a lot about what we’d like to change about ourselves, but it’s helpful too to think about what values we have now that we wouldn’t want…
‘Grammar, Identity, and the Dark Side of the Subjunctive’ by Phuc Tran
I finally watched this video that my brother sent me a while ago. And I think it was perfect timing because I just finished When Heaven and Earth Changed Places this weekend, a book about a Vietnamese refugee’s experiences during the war and coming back to Vietnam years later as an adult. (This video isn’t actually about being…
5: Boring reasons
I saw an article earlier this week about apps to download to solve something they were called “micro-boredom.” The brief moments between activities when you have nothing to do and there might be a chance you’ll become not-entertained. It was an idea that rubbed me the wrong way. I thought about all the times I mindlessly scroll through…
Bustling thoughts: the decision happened without you
It’s either clear that philosophy really affects me or that I’m a philosophical person. Something else that I always keep in mind that my philosophy professor (you sh/could add the word “design” in there somewhere, but ‘philosophy’ is more appropriate) made an offhand comment in class once that it’s difficult to actually remember the point…
If my weekend were a kickstarter campaign…
What I know now // 026
What San Francisco Looked Like Before The Dot-Coms Invaded (via Design.Co). Beautiful pictures that I clicked on out of guilt. Mother Tongues. Super neat infographic breaking down languages across the world in different ways.
Bustling thoughts: Hello again
You either think I’ve done nothing worth talking about or have been so busy that I haven’t written. It’s somewhere in between: by the time I get home to my personal computer with all my photos and such I don’t want to be on a computer at all and I should actually be sleeping. I thought…