Empty pictures

Hi. It’s me. I’ve been away, but okay. I’m sorry, but in May I didn’t have the energy to write anymore after work (which was usually late o’clock anyway), nor the desire to look at a computer during my free time. I also went to Barcelona.

Vancouver in a few photos

Last month I popped over to Vancouver for a weekend with a friend. Here are some moments. biking through Stanley Park walking along English Beach lot’s of great food visiting Grainville Island on a foggy day popping over to the art gallery for the exhibition on mashups the gorgeous Capilano (suspension bridge) area new memories

When nothing was the same

That six years post yesterday has made me think about a lot about my relationship with time. I’ve heard people describe the way they’ve evolved throughout their life as: “I have a deep core of me. I might change a lot on the surface, but the light of my truest self appears in the shadows.” I was…

Hello, World! no. 734

Today is my blog’s 6th birthday and post number 734. I remember sitting in my yellow room in Wyoming—hunched up on a cheap chair on a particleboard desk at my HP computer—setting up a wordpress.com blog. An automatic “Hello, World!” post and example comment is part of every new install. It was my junior year of…

The relativity of fun

When you move to a new place, you inevitably are meeting new people and during each interaction you try to size each other up for friendship. Not even in a judgmental way, but you’re just trying to figure out what’s in the middle of your Venn diagram so that you have something to talk about or…