Looking for work is tough business. There is a job that I really want and I hope I find out about it soon! Here’s a video by one of my favorite YouTube channels, I haven’t them watched for a very long time, but still good. Enjoy!
All posts by Jack
More summer fun
01 | Chasing hot air balloons 02 | Caffeine Dreams with Savannah, Carissa, & Eric 03 | Watching Evan work on his latest glitzy piece 04 | Shakespeare on the Green performing A Midsummer Night’s Dream. As you can tell from my horrendous tan lines, I’ve also been exercising outside. I’m in between bikes…
5: The ugly
Ok, final Friday 5 post in the series. I’ve done the good parts of college, the bad parts of college, and now The Ugly. And what’s more ugly than roommate situations? I have had 3 good roommates, 3 terrible roommates, and 2 temporary roommates that passed through my life uneventfully. 01 |…
To my big brother:
////////////////////////// The most adventurous person I know. ////////// Always mediating within our disgruntled family. ///////////////////////////////// Thanks for driving me to St. Louis that one time. /////// (You thought I was sleeping, but I heard you say that I was “a good kid”) /////////////////// And thanks for inventing all of the most fun games when we…
Here’s to hoping
It felt as if one’s entire world was one, long Sunday afternoon. Nothing to do. Nowhere to go. -Ralph Gibson My Monday movie: My summer, my post-graduation, (my life?) hasn’t exactly been going well, but I’m hoping for things to be ok soon.
You might be a hipster if…
It happens.
5: Childhood games
Ok, I couldn’t do The Ugly today because, come on, it’s between my brother’s and my birthday. It just didn’t seem appropriate. Instead, I’m going to do the some of the games that my siblings, my neighbors, and I played when we were wee ones. 01 | Vroom Vroom Car. My brother invented…
No coconut custard, but still a good day
I was a bit disappointed, but it didn’t spoil my ice cream date with my childhood friend, Julia. I mean, if you’re hanging out with a childhood pal, how can you not have fun? Besides, I’m getting a bit obsessed about this ice cream. Plus, I finally got my new uke! I’m over the moon…
Hey, hey, it’s my birthday!
Or as I fondly like to say: I’m not expecting much and I’m not planning much, but if I don’t get coconut custard ice cream from Ted & Wally’s today I’ll be disappointed.
Make it better
Don’t quit. Everything will be better, because you can make it better. MAKE IT BETTER from Clim on Vimeo. I found this video on DesignPorn and just thought it was the bees knees. I have a soft spot in my heart for typography.