colorful blue and orange sunset with darker foreground, Scott on trail

Hikes around LA (photo series)

My ideal hiking conditions are 1) brisk temperature 2) to a high place with 3) few people around. It’s something we’ve been doing more since the weather has cooled and I have a backlog of photos since we’ve been here.

Here are the hikes we’ve been doing around LA, with a Scott for scale (he’s always way faster than me).

landscape, man in foreground looking down at hills, big blue sky
red pom brush overlooking hills and blue sky fading to orange.
Path through red brush, big blue sky overhead

I can’t boast that these are the most popular hikes in the area, just ones we happened to go on. They’re usually about 30-45 minute drive from where we live. Many of them have been in Topanga, Malibu Creek, or Red Rock Canyon state parks.

path along edge of green hills, cloudy sky overhead

We started late on this hike and the sun had set on our way back…

Night photo, small sparkly city lights forming a cove around the ocean in the background. Outline of a train in the dark foreground

When it actually rains and it’s green:

trail through green brush with rocks in the background, bright blue sky. Man in red shirt in the background
Green flower-brush foreground, train down the spine of a hike, ocean in background with blue sky overhead

On the way to high places

red pom flowers in the foreground, hill with trail cutting through it in the background, blue sky streaked with clouds.
Rocky hike on left, man in red shirt hiking, smaller trail continues on right, blue sky
back of man in red santa cruz shirt heading down dusty trail with some dried brush along the hills.
Man in red shirt sitting on rocks. Hills in the background. Blue sky with clouds
woman sitting on cliff looking at camera through a gap in the rocks, hills in the background, cloudy but bright sky

Here are some from a little outside LA

There was a poppy super bloom when we first moved here 2 years ago.

Poppies foreground, hills with burst of poppies in the background
Close up of poppies in the foreground with blurred hilly background
Woman and man in front of hill of poppy flowers. Woman is giving man bunny ears with fingers.

These were from up north in Santa Cruz. The rocks were beautiful.

Man walking in front of grassy arch with the ocean behind it.
man walking through arch, streaked red and an orange rocks in the foreground, ocean seen through arch.
Felled redwood mossy redwood tree with beam of sunlight on it. Forest in background.

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