4025.2:Artist statement article, Part 2

This is just an addition to my last post and does not need to exist. I didn’t want to write it yesterday because I thought I had already rambled on for a disgusting amount of time.

So, why did I bring out artists statements in the first place? I mean, yes, I’m a quasi-artist-student-mutant thing, but just because you are a QASMT doesn’t mean you need an artist statement. I’m just making a website right?

The design program at UW wants you to have concept behind all your design. My website, after all will be a design. I believe that my professor’s website is designed meaningfully so that it represents why she believes design is important. The website is not just there to look pretty, but be an example of yourself and your art. So my idea was to write an artist statement which then reflected in my website.

For example, my professor, Jenny Venn, believes that good design is like a city plan, I has a foundation which you work off of to create a successful city. Once you’ve laid all the grid work, then you can work on making the city functional. She applies this to design, I’m paraphrasing here, by saying your design must have a good concept backing all of it and then you make things look pleasing.

Applied, Jenny’s website is literally a map of a city and your portfolio is spread on different locations of the map. It’s just very successful.

So basically, that’s why I want my website to have an artist statement in general, even if it’s short and snappy, so that I have something to design around.

Also, look at these pretty flowers Evan gave me! So unexpected:

This entry is part of an assignment in an English class called “Writing for the Web: Digital Story Telling” in which we have to post research relevant to our final project. My final project will be the creation of a professional website.

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