I think I have more, but here’s five:
01| Re-do my website. I guess, I’m also in charge of the Mortar Board and the Student Activities Council website now too. So first I’ll learn how to make pretty websites, and then make websites.
02| Work on my design portfolio. Regrettably, My design portfolio is both small and of low quality. Now that my English class is COMPLETELY behind me, I hope that I can really work on this. I enjoy it, but it’s hard for me to work without deadlines.
03| Exercise regularly. Just because it’s good for me!
04| Study for the GRE. Gross. Face vomit.
05| {Super secret project!!!} Can’t tell you yet 🙂
And now, for no reason at all, my favorite song on Glee so far:
(Probably because it’s by my favorite character…)