Friendsgiving 2013



It was so wonderful to see Igor & Shanna and be in New York for a bit. I was definitely eager from a break from work. It ended up being a lot of eating, movie-watching, and laughing. Perfect, right?! Probably my favorite Thanksgiving in a few years.

Thanksgiving morning we woke up at 4am to get go to the Macy’s Day Parade. We finally arrived and settled into a spot by 6:30 for the parade to start at 9:30.  I also thought got the Macy’s Day Parade mixed up with the Rose Parade. Whoops. It was a novel experience, but painfully cold and at some point during the parade I was like: “Oh, yeah, this is what a parade is like.” Igor and I were literally worried we got frost bite, our toes hurt so bad by the time we went home a little before noon.



Jimmy Fallon on the Sesame Street float.


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Unfortunately, we ate so quickly not a single picture of the meal was taken, but this was the menu:

  • Rotisseri chicken
  • Quinoa, brussel sprouts, and cranberry salad (I always use vegetable broth to cook my quinoa)
  • Stuffing. We went with the reliable red box.
  • Igor made latkes!
  • Blueberry pie & tofu ice cream (which later turned int blueberry pie milkshakes. DELICIOUS)
  • Biscuits

Not to to extensive, a lot of short cuts, but oh-so filling and wonderful! You try cooking in a small New York kitchen :P. Also, Shanna’s microwave was broken, which meant  keeping food warm was difficult.


Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!


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