Inside Quotes: On Relationships

I’ve realized I’ve been self-reflecting way too much lately. To the point where they’re not even accurate or helpful “insights.” I need to stop putting myself in a box.  So something a little light-hearted this week:


ME: Why is my life like this?
KYLE: I’m afraid I have no answers. Your life is like a twilight zone episode.

LAURA: …and she said “I don’t mind at all”
ME: She is PISSED!
(in complete seriousness. I am self-aware of girl-irrationality)

CARISSA: If you are a lady and you have agreed to touch a man, there is no way you can mess up.

ME: Jordan has the opposite opinion. Interesting.
DAN: See? Everyone’s different. That leaves it to you. And tell that no good hack of a poster critic to get off his grease rainbow.

ME: Have I told you I’ve been watching Buffy with Matt? She gets stuck in alternate realities just like me!
JORDAN: There are so many parallels between your lives!

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