The relativity of fun

When you move to a new place, you inevitably are meeting new people and during each interaction you try to size each other up for friendship. Not even in a judgmental way, but you’re just trying to figure out what’s in the middle of your Venn diagram so that you have something to talk about or…

Bustling thoughts: the decision happened without you

It’s either clear that philosophy really affects me or that I’m a philosophical person. Something else that I always keep in mind that my philosophy professor (you sh/could add the word “design” in there somewhere, but ‘philosophy’ is more appropriate) made an offhand comment in class once that it’s difficult to actually remember the point…

5: Men on the streets

While not the most light-hearted topic, there has something that has been weighing me down lately. And I have hemmed and hawed about writing about this because I feel like it’s not the most enjoyable subject to write about and because it’s such a prickly issue to read about. Something that people already have opinions…

The good you do

“We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know” — WH Auden, poet People my age believe they can do good in the world. They seek it out. They hope that they can spend their lives making a difference in the world. Heck, just…

Confidence isn’t for you

One of my ongoing resolutions is to be more confident. This was not really accomplished last year and when New Year’s came around again, I didn’t actually make any promising. I realized that, besides my horrendous typos, I didn’t have bad habits that I was treating to break. Rather, my resolutions were me trying to…