WID: Vedauwoo & Despicable Me

My first post on the real blog! Exciting. I’m actually working on my website right now, so hopefully that will be up soon (measured in months). 01| Climbed the highest peak in Vedauwoo today! It’s a beautiful rock formation near Laramie. This picture doesn’t do it justice and it make it makes it smaller than…

Adventure is out there!

I spent my Wednesday doing way cooler things that my Tuesday with Morrie. A math sandwich of excitement: 01| Math class. 02| Balinese music in the plaza performed by the Wyoming Gamelan Chandra Wyoga. 03| Road trip to a go swimming. Isn’t Wyoming’s vastness beautiful? 04| Swimming in an ice cold lake! Honestly, the water…


I think I may have made a grievous mistake in this whole wordpress.com vs. wordpress.org business.  Curse my lack of wordpress-knowledge! I may be changing the link to this blog. Stay tuned, tiny audience, for more details.

Neat things: 2 & 2

01| If you haven’t already seen it, double rainbow guy. NotCot tweeted this link first, and I only clicked on it because I had seen a double rainbow the day before. 02| This is way cute. I thought this was neat because of the This American Life (I think?) recently did a story about a…

5: Things I believe

01| Deadlines. Not that I’m unmotivated, but deadlines are just so comforting me. I will be done with x by m/d/y. I mean yes, they’re also nerve-wracking and horrible when you’re a procrastinator like me. But is there anything that makes you happier than a deadline getting pushed back? I would be lost without deadlines.…

What's the what

I guess first I should say that I celebrated the fourth by riding around on my bike with Evan to look at fireworks around Laramie. We probably biked a good 6-8 miles. It was so strange though—hardly any one had fireworks in Laramie! Only a like 4 houses had big ones, and we could hear…